How Kivo Uses Metriport's Dashboard to Get Clinical Notes in Seconds

CEO and Co-Founder
Year Founded

"Being able to get our patients' clinical notes in seconds through the Metriport dashboard has been tremendously useful to our providers. This has improved our patient onboarding experience significantly, allowing us to provide quicker and more efficient treatment."

Introduction: Helping Patients Manage COPD 

Kivo Health is a remote lung care company that offers a unique pulmonary rehab program for patients living with COPD. This rehab helps patients breathe better and live longer, and reduces hospital bed-days by 62% and save payers nearly $6,000 per patient. Many patients can't access in-center rehab, however, so Kivo solves this by providing care to patients from the comfort of their home!

Problem: Manual Record Retrieval

Prior to using Metriport, we were reliant on very manual methods for retrieving our patient's medical records (think faxes and phone calls) and this often took several days, sometimes weeks! The worst part about this is it delay the time it took to treat patients, and sometimes would result in incomplete information being delivered via fax. One of our biggest priorities in 2023 had been to speed up this process and get more complete information, which lead to us discovering Metriport!

Solution: Frictionless Automation

Off the bat, what made Metriport an immediate solution for us was that we could get started right away using their dashboard. After registering Kivo with HIEs directly through the UI, our providers were able to start querying for patients they were onboarding and pulling their medical documents in a simple, manageable environment. The dashboard made this whole process frictionless, and with features like their Medical Record summary and FHIR Resources explorer tool, our providers were able to get the information they needed in seconds. As we began to explore Metriport more, the team made a huge effort to provide support and resources along the way, even developing custom features based on our feedback.

With Metriport in the hands of our providers, they now have actionable, comprehensive information at their fingertips. Where our previous process for manual record retrieval would have caused delayed treatment and sometimes patient churn, Metriport has alleviated these anxieties for us, leading to improved outcomes for our patients. Beyond getting full patient records, it's the ability to answer specific medical questions quickly that has made Metriport a total game changer. The keyword search tool they developed made this possible, which allows us to search for a specific keyword for a patient — say "pulmonology" — and instantly get all the relevant documents related to that item. This has made the Metriport dashboard all the more valuable to our practice, saving us countless hours of administrative and operational burden.

The Future for Kivo: Unlocking New Value

As we expand our operations and see more patients, we plan to directly integrate Metriport’s API into our EHR. So far we’ve been using the dashboard to pull data for our patients, but integrating with the API directly will unlock more efficiency in our workflow, being able to pre-populate certain fields in our EHR during the patient onboarding process.

As we continue to grow in 2024 and beyond, we see our partnership with Metriport as an invaluable piece to providing excellent care for our patients, and ultimately improving their quality of life.
